Autor projekta: arh. Samir Bastoni
Autor 3D Visuala: arh. Samir Bastoni

Spoj prirode, dizajna i vrhunske vinarije

Nacionalni Park Fruška Gora u Vojvodini postaje sve više novi trend kao turistička destinacija , ali i kao deo koji poznati ljudi iz sveta sporta i businessa biraju za predeo koji ih osvaja kao atraktivna lokacija za život , odmor, ali i unosan posao.

Predstavljamo Vam Estela Estate Residence, projekat luksuzne vile sa bazenom i Estela Estate Vinariju sa restoranom i 2 apartmana, koji se nalaze na 4,6 ha na najboljoj lokaciji u Pavlovcima, na planini Fruška Gora, Srbija. Vlasnik imanja koje obuhvata i vinograd na 3,10 ha, developer luksuznih nekretnina, ovim projektom ukazuje potencijalnim investitorima na izuzetne potencijale kako bi se upoznali sa savršenim životnim stilom uspešnih ljudi širom sveta koji biraju Frušku goru kao svoju destinaciju za odmor i boravak.


Estela Estate Residence, dizajnirana i ispunjena toplinom prirode i visokom privatnošću, kuća je projektovana za suživot različitih generacija, od male dece do starijih. Korišćenje prirodnih i ekološki prihvatljivih materijala, visoka izdržljivost i niski troškovi održavanja.

Sistem Smart Home koji daje kontrolu i upravljanje domom sa bilo kog mesta u svetu u bilo koje vreme. Projekat takođe uzima u obzir pravac svetlosti i toplote sa kompletnim sistemom upravljanja energijom, koji pomaže da uštedite električnu energiju, a sa dizajnom koji deluje funkcionalno i lepo. Zajednički prostor je postavljen kao privatni klub, što vam omogućava da ponosno dočekate svoje goste. Porodična kuća na imanju imaće impresivnih 700 m2 koji mogu poslužiti i za BUSINESS RENT ESTATE za svetske uživaoce u prirodnim lepotama jer se ovo imanje nalazi na raskrsnici severoistočne i jugozapadne Evrope nadomak, na severu Mađarske, na zapadu Hrvatske, na istoku Rumunije, a dalje jugozapadom Srbije stiže sa sa mediterana do Fruške Gore odlično povezanim autoputevima, a u skoroj budućnosti i heliodromovi omogućiće sletanje na ovu destinaciju nekadašnjeg Panonskog mora.

Estela Estate Vinarija

Projekat Estela Estate Residence je posebno vredan jer obuhvata vinograd na 3,10 ha sa 13.500 čokota, star godinu i po, iz kojeg se dobijaju sertifikovana poznata vina, Shardonnay (6.700 čokota), Merlot (3.375) i Syrah (3.376).

Izgradnjom Estela Estate Vinarije sa restoranom i dva apartmana, uz posete vinariji i degustaciju poznatih vina, kao i dodatnim mogućnostima koje uključuju ili golf terene, ergele konja ili obilazak poznatih turističkih lokacija TESLA električnim automobilima, gosti će uživati u izuzetnom spoju prirode o visoke tehnologije.

O plodnosti Fruškogorskih vinograda svedoči za sve ljubitelje vrhunskih vina i to da im se pridružuje i najbolja sorta Australijskog Shiraz koji se smatra najboljim sortama vina na svetu i koja je uspešno posađena na prelepom imanju Estela Estate Residence na samoj obali Pavlovačkog Jezera. I ove godine iz Shirazovih grozdova koji su sazreli pod Fruškogorskim suncem nazdravljaće se vinom na obali jednog od najlepših jezera na Fruškoj Gori na Pavlovačkom jezeru na čijoj obali i u neposrednom komšiluku su svoje vile podigli najpoznatiji naši i svetski sportisti kao i ugledni poslovni ljudi iz javnog života.

Posao uzgajanja vinograda i pravljenja vrhunskih vina u Estela Estate Vinariji, je projekat koji sigurno može udružiti ne samo jednog poslovnog partnera već više njih koji će sofisticiranost svog životnog stila pretočiti u poslovnu mogućnost razvijanja unosnog businessa kroz vinograde, pravljenja vina , tako i uživanje u samom restoranu .

Do Estela Estate Vinarije se iz Beograda automobilom stiže za nekih 40 tak min. Nalazi se na samoj obali Pavlovačkog Jezera na obroncima Fruške Gore na 150 metara nadmorske visine u neposrednoj blizini autentičnog Vojvođanskog sela Pavlovci.

U neposrednoj blizini ESTELA ESTATE nalaze se Banja Vrdnik , Fruškogorske Terme i iz svetskog lanca hotela Hotel Movenpick Resort & Spa sa termalnim bazenima gde se relaxiraju gosti iz celog sveta pronalazeći blagodeti termalnih voda koje izviru u ovim termama .

Tu je etno selo Vrdnička kula , Aqua Premier hotel kao i mnoštvo restorana, vojvođanskih salaša, tradicionalnih vojvođanskih imanja pretvorenih u restorane i ugostiteljske objekte za uživanje, tu su atraktivni lokaliteti za sportske aktivnosti, tako da se baš na ovim lokacijama često prave “Tim bild” inostranih i domaćih kompanija, a sve više porodični ljudi , ali i ljudi iz businessa upravo u ovoj nedirnutoj prirodi pronalaze svoju relaxaciju za telo i um.


Čime je to Fruška Gora osvojila ljude koji se iz najudaljenijih i najrazvijenijih delova sveta kao primerice iz Australije , Kanade , Rusije , Velike Britanije , Francuske i Švajcarske i dr. razvijenih zemalja sve više susreću po obroncima Fruške Gore i fruškogorskih jezera tako da vrlo često možete upravo naići na „Naše strance” ali i njihove prijatelje koji su došli u goste i kako kažu vrlo rado bi se zadržali u ovim predelima prirodne lepote, banja koje krase Frušku Goru – dragulj Vojvodine, koji još stoji obavijen mističnim velom srednevekovnih pravoslavnih manastira, banjjskih izvorišta sa termalnom vodom, jezera, vodopada, bajkovitih salaša koji se naslanjaju jedno na drugo sa mnoštvom restorana i vinarija koji se otvaraju baš u ovim predelima za goste iz celog sveta , nudeći gastronomsku ponudu od tradicionalnih vojvođanskih jela do svetskih jelovnika, a isto tako mogu se pohvaliti i vrhunskim vinima koja upravo uspevaju u vinogradima u ovoj plodnoj zemlji, a poznato je da je Vojvođanska zemlja među najplodnijim žitnicama Evrope što je samim tim izdvaja od drugih .

Od Rimskih Imperatora do najvećih ljudskih i sportskih veličina 21 veka.

Kako bez kvalitetne prošlosti nema ni kvalitetne sadašnjosti i budućnosti o tome svedoči i specifičnost sela Pavlovci i Pavlovačkog jezera, upravo ovog imanja na kome su se u prošlim vekovima nalazile kuće Rimskih imperatora.

Pavlovačko jezero je smešteno sa desne strane uvale doline koja ide sa Venca Fruške Gore preko Banje Vrdnik čijom dolinom protiče potok Kudoš koji čini umetno jezero koje je nastalo 70 tih god. prošlog veka.

Jezero je prekrilo kuće Rimskih generala koji su na tom mestu gradili svoje objekte u Rimskom carstvu. O ostacima Rimskog carstva postoje i materijalni dokazi ako malo dublje kopate u ovoj zemlji pronaćićete i rimske novčiće što je posebno zaintrigiralo čak i svetske arheologe.

Zašto su baš Rimski generali prepoznali ovo mesto kao izuzetno za svoje kuće i odmor, upravo radi prirodnog ugođaja koji na ovom mestu stvara tkz. Ruža vetrova t.j. sudar vetrova na vrhu planine sa severa severni vetar, sa istoka Košava, sa zapada zapadni vetar .

Nevezano koji je u tom momentu sudara jači, ovaj vetar struji vazduhom i donosi impresivnu svežinu koju organizam oseća sa prvim udahom na ovom predelu što doprinosi dobrom opštem zdravstvenom stanju , energiji, a naročito prija u predvečerje i noću tokom spavanja, što blagotvorno deluje na celokupan organizam i opšte fizičko stanje.

Tako su i Rimski generali prepoznali ovaj predeo za odmor i relaksaciju između bitaka i sada posle 2000 god. došle su i druge ljudske veličine 21 veka na ovo mesto u potrazi za blagostanjem pronašle su Frušku Goru, nebrušeni dijamant neprocenjive vrednosti Srbije , Vojvodine i Evrope i započele njegovo brušenje do vanvremenskog sjaja uprkos modernizaciji savremenog doba, spajajući tradiciju prošlih vekova sa savremenim tekovinama današnjice.

Estela Estate je upravo primer tog idealnog spoja, nalazi se na idealnoj lokaciji u Fruškoj gori- sa visokim potencijalom, bilo da se radi o privatnom životu, ili vrednoj poslovnoj investiciji i lux stilu življenja.

Tekst pripremila: Slađana Roža

Neophodno je napomenuti sam potencijal imanja i lokalitet na kome se nalazi ESTELA ESTATE budući da je još u izgradnji , pruža različite mogućnosti.

Veličina ukupnog zemljišta iznosi 4,6 ha 460 ARI 46 000m2
ŠUMA na imanju iznosi 60 ARI 0,6 ha
ARHITEKTA PROJEKTA: arh. Samir Bastoni
Započeta gradnja izlivene 3 PLOČE SIVA FAZA TRENUTNO izvođač radova firma 5+1 gradnja Laban Predrag
ESTELA ESTATE VINARIJA SA RESTORANOM 2 APARTMANA ( apartmani po 30 m2) ukupno 1350m2
KUĆA I OKUĆNICA 0,9 ha 9000 m2
Od najviše do najniže tačke na imanju je 12 m visinske razlike za vinograd i panoramu .


A combination of nature, design and a top winery

Author of the project: arch. Samir Bastoni
Author of 3D Visual: arch. Samir Bastoni

The Fgruška Gora National Park in Vojvodina is becoming more and more a new trend as a tourist destination, but also as a part that famous people from the world of sports and business choose for a landscape that wins them over as an attractive location for life, vacation, and lucrative business.

We present to you Estela Estate Residence, a project of a luxury villa with a swimming pool and Estela Estate Winery with a restaurant and 2 apartments, located on 4.6 ha in the best location in Pavlovci, on the Fruška Gora mountain, Serbia. The owner of the estate, which also includes a vineyard on 3.10 ha, a developer of luxury real estate, with this project points potential investors to exceptional potential in order to get to know the perfect lifestyle of successful people around the world who choose Fruška Gora as their destination for vacation and stay.


Estela Estate Residence, designed and filled with the warmth of nature and high privacy, the house is designed for the coexistence of different generations, from small children to the elderly. Use of natural and environmentally friendly materials, high durability and low maintenance costs.

A Smart Home system that gives control and management of the home from anywhere in the world at any time. The project also takes into account the direction of light and heat with a complete energy management system, which helps to save electricity, and with a design that looks functional and beautiful. The common area is set up like a private club, allowing you to proudly welcome your guests. The family house on the estate will have an impressive 700 m2, which can also be used as a BUSINESS RENT ESTATE for those who enjoy the world’s natural beauty, because this estate is located at the crossroads of North-Eastern and South-Western Europe, close by, in the north of Međarska, in the west of Croatia, in the east of Romania, and further south-west Serbia arrives from the Mediterranean to Fruška Gora with excellently connected highways, and in the near future, heliports will enable landing at this destination of the former Pannonian Sea.

Estela Estate Winery

The Estela Estate Residence project is particularly valuable because it includes a vineyard on 3.10 ha with 13,500 cycoles, one and a half years old, from which certified famous wines are obtained, Chardonnay (6,700), Merlot (3,375) and Syrah (3,376).

With the construction of the Estela Estate Winery with a restaurant and two apartments, with visits to the winery and tasting of famous wines, as well as additional opportunities that include golf courses, horse stables or a tour of famous tourist sites with TESLA electric cars, guests will enjoy an exceptional combination of nature and high technology.

The fruitfulness of the Fruška Gora vineyards is evidenced by the fact that they are joined by the best variety of Australian Shiraz, which is considered the best wine variety in the world and which was successfully planted on the beautiful Estela Estate Residence on the very shore of Pavlovački Jezera. This year, too, wine from Shiraz grapes that ripened under the Fruško Gora sun will be toasted on the shores of one of the most beautiful lakes on Fruška Gora, on Lake Pavlovac, on whose shores and in the immediate neighborhood the most famous sportsmen of our country and the world, as well as prominent businessmen from public life, built their villas.

The business of growing vineyards and making top-quality wines at Estela Estate Winery is a project that can certainly bring together not only one business partner, but several of them, who will translate the sophistication of their lifestyle into a business opportunity to develop a profitable business through vineyards, winemaking, and enjoyment in itself. restaurant.

Estela Estate Winery can be reached by car from Belgrade in about 40 minutes. It is located on the very shore of Lake Pavlovac on the slopes of Fruška Gora, 150 meters above sea level, in the immediate vicinity of the authentic Vojvodina village of Pavlovci.

In the immediate vicinity of Estela Estate property are Banja Vrdnik, Fruškogorske Terme and from the international hotel chain Hotel Movenpick Resort & Spa with thermal pools, where guests from all over the world relax and find the benefits of the thermal waters that spring up in these thermal baths.

There is the Vrdnička kula ethnic village, the Aqua Premier hotel, as well as many restaurants, Vojvodina farms, traditional Vojvodina estates converted into restaurants and catering facilities for enjoyment, there are attractive localities for sports activities, so it is precisely in these locations that foreign and domestic companies often make “Team Buildings”, and more and more family people, but also business people find their relaxation in this untouched nature for body and mind.


How did Fruška Gora win over people who came from the most distant and developed parts of the world, such as Australia, Canada, Russia, Great Britain, France and Switzerland, etc. from developed countries are increasingly found on the slopes of Fruška Gora and the Fruška Gora lakes, so very often you can come across “Our Strangers”, but also their friends who came as guests and, as they say, would be very happy to stay in these areas of natural beauty, the spas that adorn Fruška Gora – the jewel of Vojvodina, which is still shrouded in the mystical veil of medieval Orthodox monasteries, spa springs with thermal water, lakes, waterfalls, fairy-tale farms that lean on each other with many restaurants and wineries that are opening precisely in these areas for guests from all over the world, offering a gastronomic offer from traditional Vojvodina dishes to international menus, and they can also boast of top wines that thrive in the vineyards of this fertile land, and it is known that Vojvodina is among the most fertile granaries Europe, which therefore sets it apart from others.


From the Roman Emperors to the greatest human and sports figures of the 21st century.

As without a quality past, there is no quality present and future, this is also evidenced by the specificity of the village of Pavlovci and the Pavlovci lake, this particular estate where the houses of the Roman emperors were located in the past centuries.

Lake Pavlova is located on the right side of the bay of the valley that goes from Venec Fruška Gora via Banja Vrdnik, through the valley of which the Kudoš stream flows, which forms an artificial lake that was created in the 70s. last century.

The lake covered the houses of the Roman generals who built their buildings in that place in the Roman Empire. There is also material evidence of the remains of the Roman Empire, if you dig a little deeper in this country you will find Roman coins, which especially intrigued even world archaeologists.

Why exactly did the Roman generals recognize this place as exceptional for their homes and vacations, precisely because of the natural atmosphere created in this place, the so-called Wind rose, i.e. collision of winds on top of the mountain from the north north wind, from the east Košava, from the west westerly wind.

Irrespective of which one is stronger at the moment of collision, this wind flows through the air and brings an impressive freshness that the body feels with the first breath in this area, which contributes to a good general state of health, energy, and is especially pleasant in the evening and at night during sleep, which has a beneficial effect on the whole organism and general physical condition.

This is how the Roman generals recognized this area for rest and relaxation between battles even now after 2000 years. other great human beings of the 21st century came to this place in search of prosperity, they found Fruška Gora, an uncut diamond of inestimable value in Serbia, Vojvodina and Europe, and began polishing it to a timeless splendor despite the modernization of the modern age, combining the traditions of past centuries with the modern achievements of today.

Estela Estate property is an example of that ideal combination, it is located in an ideal location in Fruška Gora – with high potential, whether it is a private life, or a valuable business investment and lux lifestyle.

Text prepared by: Slađana Roža

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It is necessary to mention the very potential of the property and the location where ESTELA ESTATE is located, since it is still under construction, it offers various opportunities.
The size of the total land is 4.6 ha 460 ARI 46 000m2
FOREST on the estate is 60 ARI 0.6 ha
PROJECT ARCHITECT: arch. Samir Bastoni
Started construction of cast 3 PANELS GRAY PHASE CURRENTLY contractor company 5+1 construction Laban Predrag
ESTELA ESTATE WINERY WITH RESTAURANT 2 APARTMENTS (apartments of 30 m2) total 1350m2
HOUSE AND GARDEN 0.9 ha 9000 m2
From the highest to the lowest point on the property, there is a 12 m height difference for the vineyard and the panorama.